To what extent are we a Christian community? According to William Willimon, Bishop of the Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church, We are Christian to the extent that we conform to and are confronted by the Word of God. In Romans 12, Paul advises his readers not to be conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of their minds. As we look to a new school year we should pause and consider what we are learning and what we’re filling our minds with. Are we conforming to the pattern of or to the pattern of power, privaledge and possessions or to the pattern of generosity, gratitude and grace? Sermon Notes 09.04.11 United Methodist 2 Worship 09.04.11 Shaped by God Liturgy for Holy Communion 9.04.11 Shaped by God (September 4, 2011, early Service) Shaped by God (September 4, 2011, late service)
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