"This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 3:6 Christmas is Family. On that first night two very important people were present for the birth of the Messiah. Mary, His mother, and Joseph, the man who would guide and provide for Jesus as his earthly father. Right from the get-go, God creates a family.  When God chose to take human form He surrounded Himself with family, not possession, power or privileged  but vulnerability, tenderness and love. The One who spoke creation into existence came to us through the womb of what I’m sure what a very confused, frightened woman and grew in the security and nurturing love of a family. The One who co-existed with Jehovah when light was created, submitted Himself to an earthly father who chopped and shaved wood for living. For God, family is critical; they provide encouragement, connections and inspiration as we leave our childish ways and venture out to become adults. Family should be important to us as well. Prioritize family this holiday season. Spend meaningful time together. Make unforgettable memories. Love together. Laugh together. Live together. Be a family. How has your family encouraged and supported your growth? What would it be like to be an orphan? what would you miss? Why does Paul want us to know we'll be heirs together with Christ? (Romans 8:17)
“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” ― Mother Teresa
>>  21 Days of Christmas - Giving 
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