"The church that is content with not growing is saying to the rest of the world "You can go to hell" --Rick Warren

"It's much easier to act like a Christian than to react like one. Anyone can put on an act. But your reactions reveal what is really in your heart." --Mark Batterson

"I do not want to be guilty of leading a church passionate about reaching the saved, but fanatics reaching the lost. I have noticed, that every Christian wants to see the lost saved, but not every Christian wants their church to cater to the lost." --Shannon O'Dell

"I can't Christianize this culture. The god of this world is Satan – this is his culture. He is the god of this age. I'm to preach the gospel. .... God is calling a people for Himself. I don't know whom He's calling, I just have to be faithful and preach." --Franklin Graham

"Being a leader does not mean that we will never be in situations that make us shake in our shoes; in fact, it means quite the opposite. When a leader allows the fear of a circumstance to trump the fear of God in his life...he ceases to lead." --Perry Noble

"A leader is a person who is always on the lookout for other potential leaders to discover, develop, and deploy. But if we are not careful, all our energy can leak out to passion stealers, stranding us on a sandbar of mediocrity and ineffectiveness." --Dave Kraft

"After wrestling with this for years, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that a church building may not be the best location for church employees to do their work." --Erik Ullestad

"Have we created a theological ideology that eliminates any discomfort and marginalizes any element that would cause us pain or even death?" --Brady Boyd

"Is the seductive, deceptive lure of some sin such as anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and sexual immorality, creeping into your heart? Is there anyone you've been withholding forgiveness from? Do you secretly celebrate the failures of people around you? Have any secrets that you're working hard to keep from some of your closest friends?" --Pete Wilson

"In my experience, once it's clear you're willing (not just willing, but itching, moving, and yes, implementing) without them, things start to happen. People are rarely willing to step up and stop you, and often just waiting to follow someone crazy enough to actually do something." --Seth Godin

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