This morning as a sit here getting ready for church I'm thinking about the amazing step 13 young adults are taking to a fuller richer life. I didn't say a wealthier, more comfortable life. In fact I suspect that many of them will be challenged far more than they realize now. I do believe that they are signing up for an adventure of a lifetime with a Guide who has gone this way before and knows their strengths and weaknesses. Their Guide knows exactly the kind of training they need and where they will do the most good for the rest of the team. The question that remains unanswered, however, is whether they in the course of time will listen to the Guide or choose to go their own way.

This morning as we confirm and celebrate their affirmation to be a Christ Follower, we also look to the past and marvel at all that God has done in their lives. Through years of VBS, Sunday School, Music pageants, and countless other affirmations, God has been shaping and molding their lives. Now we look to the future and trust that they have developed a faith of humility and wisdom. A faith that sees the Divine spark in the lives of others and the courage to make it burn brightly.

I pray that today of all day, as my son confirms and grows in his faith in Christ, that God will guide and protect them with the same love and compassion that He was done in my life.

Blessings to all.

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