Posts tagged with ‘beauty’

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Splendor of Heaven part 3

by Steve

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.”  Colossians 3:1-2 Have you ever been invited to a wedding celebration? Often there is […]

Heaven 2: The Journey Home

by Steve

Are you looking forward to heaven and what God has planned or is it all simply wishful thinking? Does Heaven fill you heart with wonder, excitement and enthusiasm or fear and loathing? In the midst of pain, trials and difficulties, why should we be talking about Heavent? When Jesus knew he was facing the cross and that […]

What is Heaven? part 1

by Steve

Why are we not satisfied with this world as it is? Why do we long for beauty, love and fulfillment? Why is pain, suffering and death so revolting and something we fight against? John Lennon in his song “Imagine” suggests we ignore the reality of Heaven and the after life in favor a more immediate […]

Celebrating Worship

by Steve

 Imagine a young couple going to a 5-star restaurant. It is a restaurant without Styrofoam hamburger shells, chicken nuggets or soda fountains. This is a five star restaurant, the kind that makes a suit and tie for guys and dresses for ladies seem natural and appropriate. The couple enters and are greeted by maître dee who […]

Image Rich Worship

by Steve

Our church has a large screen in the front of the santuary for visual support of the worship experience. Now I realize that for some the screen is a nuisance and for others a sign of the decline of true worship. But for a new generation, images are more apart of their vocabulary than the […]