Christmas is Opportunity. “Understand the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." Romans 13:11 Never forget the drama that was a part of that first Christmas. We are familiar with the story NOW in hindsight, but when it happened it seems like everyone was too busy to notice the significance of these seemingly insignificant events. Perhaps the greatest temptation of our time is busyness that leads to indifference. Joseph and Mary were far from home. It was late. They were tired, maybe even had a few donkey sores. And let's not forget Mary was carrying around a few extra pounds and her back was aching. Dusty, dirty and hungry. They were the epitome of desperation. Exhausted from the road, they need some hospitality, some charity, some grace. But would they find any compassion in our busy world? Instead of open hearts all they encountered were closed doors. On the night when God would give His best, humanity displayed its worst. When God walked into our lives, we turned our backs and closed the door.
op·por·tu·ni·ty  A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances.
Whatever you take away from this message, please do not fall into the trap of believing you would have done anything different. There is an Innkeeper in all of us. Have you ever skipped out on church because you were tired, busy, distracted or just needed some "me" time. Have you ever ignored an invitation to be part of a study group, to give your time to a fledgling ministry or missed a meeting because it just wasn't that important to you? If you ever have, and I know I have, then let me say... "Hello Innkeeper, how are you?"  People in need are turned away all the time because many of us are too busy to notice. Imagine a young woman who attends church hoping to find a friend in whom she can confide and find support to make changes in her life, but will anyone come near? She is after all, a stranger. An elderly man is growing frail in his home all alone, but will anyone ask or pass through his door?  The Son of God was left to be born in a stable because there was no room, no open door, no open heart in busy, hectic lives. How tragic… I want to remind each of us that for many people Christmas can be a very desperate season. Loneliness. Worry. Despair. It’s anything but holly and jolly for everyone. All around us are people who are longing for a little encouragement and looking for a little love. Will they find it at our door? (I think they will!) Too often the Church can lose focus during the holiday season. Don’t let all the bright lights blind you to the hurting people. Don't let all the packages distract you from the gift of hospitality. The Opportunities are all around you. Open your eyes. Open your heart. Open your doors. Make the most of this season of opportunity. Yesterday - 21 Days of Christmas - Direction
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