I think we've all played the same game of Hide-and-Seek.


Those that like to Hide.

Some people are excellent hiders and they just seem to blend into the background and no one even knows they are there. The problems is eventually they don't know they're hiding because no one is looking for them anymore.


Those who like to Seek.

Some people are by their very nature extroverts and love to engage others in conversation, life, and laughter. They look for open doors to begin a dialog and see in people an opportunity to share their passion for life. They have the unique ability to "find" people who are trying to stay hidden. In their hidden-ness there is security.


But in the end all of us want to be found. How about you?

Are you a hider or a seeker?

Should Christians be hiders or seekers?

In terms of hide-and-seek, what does redemption mean?



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