Lewis is a big supporter of the notion that all human beings have within them a twinge of the Divine spark that helps us recognize the difference between right and wrong behavior. There are some differences to be sure, just like there are differences in people who have the ability to be muscially inclined, but all human beings have the ability to appreciate music. In the same way, all humanity has the ability to know right from wrong. What Lewis call the basic "human nature". We may disagree how many wives a man may have, but we have never disagreed that he should have any woman at any time regardless of the feelings of others. Why should this be so? Because, Lewis suggest, our lives are NOT governed by the survival of the fittest but by the deeper Spirit that speak to us about right and wrong. But if we know what is right and what is wrong, then how well do we live by what we know? Not very well. We expect the goodness of God to exact punishment on those we determine are evil (Hitler and Stalin for example), but let us off for the lesser crimes of greed, apathy, and racism. "God," Lewis writes, "is the only comfort, He is also the supreme terror: the thing we most need and the thing we most want to hide from. He is our only possible ally, and we have made ourselves His enemies." What can we do about this predicament? Are you ready to face God for the life you've been living?
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