Posts tagged with ‘apathy’

3 Items

So What? Now What?

by Steve

“Herod was disturbed, and all of Jerusalem with him.”  Matthew 2:1-12 When we stop to consider all the activities of Christmas we are left with two questions: “So What? Now What?” When Herod encounter the Magi, he was disturbed by their presence, their questions and their conviction to travel so far. The problem was that […]

Screwtape Letters

by Steve

Imagine looking at life from the other side, that is the side of evil. What would be the strongest attractions evil has and what would be its greatest weaknesses? Obviously if you were going to persuade people that evil was “better” [of course how could evil suggest that it was better than anything, doesn’t that […]

Dangerous Worship

by Steve

Perhaps you’ve heard this challenging word about worship from author Annie Dillard (in Teaching a Stone to Talk), but hear it again:   “Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing on […]