belongEveryone needs to belong to someone, somewhere that gives each day a reason. Without belonging or connecting to others in deep meaning relationships, we become lonely, isolated and depressed. This depressions destroys our health, saps our energy and makes a mockery of our hopes and dreams.  When God created Heaven and Earth, He looked at all he had made and saw that it was good. But when He saw Adam, alone as a created being, The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” [Genesis 2:18 Recent studies have show there is an epidemic of loneliness in our country fueled by technology and the rapid pace of our culture. There are more people (35%) who report chronic loneliness than just a decade ago (20%). Chronic loneliness leads to depression and ultimately despair.  texting What I like about this cartoon is how it captures our obsession with technology and the unintended impact it has on our one-on-one relationships. We seem to be talking a lot, we just aren't communicating or created healthy satisfying relationships. As Disciples of Jesus we recognize our need to belong to the church, not just as an institution, but as a source of life-giving relationships. Jesus drew all kinds of people to Himself, giving them a new purpose that embraced diversity, challenged complacency and celebrated a community of mutual respect and grace. We all belong because Jesus invited us and we accepted.  You cannot be a strong believer if you are not a strong belonger! We belong to the church because it's how we grow. “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20 Have you ever heard the old addage, you become like the five people you hang out with. So who are you hanging out with these days? Whether you like it or not, this is how we see you! We belong to the church because it's how we know God. God reveals himself in relationship with the Son and the Holy Spirit. John Wesley once said, "the Bible knows nothing of solitary religion." Well if God is in relationship, calls us the church, the body of Christ, to be in relationships, then our commitment to that relationship will be central to our faith and our identity.  Join us in the conversation and the growth! Worship Slides 02.02.14 Sermon Notes 02.02.14 Belong Audio File: FTF Belonging 2.2.14E
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