Daily Morning Prayer

Daily Morning Prayer

Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart. Max Lucado A Jailer becomes a Disciple (Paul and Silas in Prison) Acts 16:25-34 The Story of the Jailer and his family has always fascinated me. The jailer's experience and his amazing conversion from being a hard-nosed, control oriented, government official, to a joy-filled host who washes, feeds and serves those who were moment earlier his prisoners requires more than just a passing glance. What gives?  I think the jailer experienced three critical life events that shook the foundations of his jail, his predictable life and his standing in world beyond his control. Will it do the same for us?  (1) He Encountered an Uncontrollable Power - whether it is an earthquake, a medical test, a sudden job loss, or a untimely death, we all at some point come face to face with a power that we cannot control. We are not in as much control as we thought. We are small,  vulnerable, fragile and frightened. Are there storm clouds on the horizon? (2) He Faced an Overwhelming Fear - what do I do (what can I do) now? Actually the Jailer was in such despair, his world order was destroyed and all that was left for him was despair, so he was ready to commit suicide. What other choice did he have? His life as he had constructed it was over, all that remained was punishment, disappointment, rejection, broken dreams... When our decisions, choices and lifestyle finally come home to roost, when all the false gods finally dissipate like fog, when there's no one left to blame, it's time to face the music. What is your greatest hope for the future? (3) He Received Unexpected Grace - Don't despair, we're right here! We haven't run out on you, we haven't left you to your fate, we're not like everyone else. God walks in when the rest of the world walks (or runs) out! Baptism is a Confession - I can no longer be a simple jailer in control of my life and destiny. I am small and need help: I Need God Baptism is a Change - I realize I am no longer a controller, manipulator or dictator - I AM a Host, a servant and learner. Baptism is a Conviction - I will become like Christ He was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God  Do you remember and honor your Baptism Covenant? Do you live according to the vows you've made? Are you an example of faithfulness like Paul and Silas? Are you striving to live joyfully in the new life you've accepted? "Tragically, some people believe they are going to heaven when they die just because a few drops of water were sprinkled over their heads a few weeks after their birth. They have no personal faith, have never made a personal decision, and are banking on a hollow ceremony to save them. How absurd."  Max Lucado Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 04.07.13 Baptism Sermon Slides: 04.07.13 Baptsim Sermon Audio: Baptism4.7.13
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