"...and Jesus grew in Wisdom, Stature and Favor with God and Man." Luke 2:52 We want every child to grow up to learn the value of … Wisdom "I need to make wise choices."

So I will…

  1. Trust and follow God's design
  2. Spend time getting to know God
  3. Do whatever God says
  4. Discover God's unique plan for my life.
Faith "I can trust God no matter what!"


  1. He is my Creator
  2. He is my Father
  3. He is my Guide
  4. He is my Savior.
Friendship"I should treat others the way I want to be treated."

So I will…

  1. Show God's Love to those around me
  2. Care enough to put other before me
  3. Respect whoever God put's over me
  4. Be the right friend to those beside me.
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