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"Our life is full of brokenness - broken relationships, broken promises, broken expectations. How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God's faithful presence in our lives." ~ Henri Nouwen


I spent this morning trying to repair some plastic animal figures from our Noah's Ark play set. Sometimes the kids get so excited by the animals the leg on the giraffe get broken off or the trunk on the elephant snaps. That's why some time ago we invested in a small tube of Super Glue that repairs even the most tragic breaks. Soon the toys are back in service, good as new without even a hint that they were ever damaged.

Wouldn't it be nice if were that easy with people? For every broken relationship just apply a little "Super Glue" and it our feelings and our self-esteem would be good as new, not even a hint of breaking. But what about broken dreams, broken promises made by other and ourselves, or broken trust?

We know it's not really that easy that the damage is profound and lasting. We want quick fixes but deep down know that's not reality. It is through the pain of brokenness that we lose the childish ways and grow in maturity. Through the mission and the ministry of the church we collectively encourage, inspire and comfort people through these life changing events to come out on the other side better, stronger and more able to walk with God.

Our Mission: Healing the Hurts

n Everyone needs Compassion, A Love that never Fails

We must not only be convinced in our head of this truth, but we must also be moved in our heart with compassion and active with our hands to do what we are able to do.

n We see the world not as it is, but as we ARE

Compassionate Givers –the overflow of forgiveness and gratitude

Social Avoidance –the emptiness of status and fear of insignificance

n Healing happens best through Relationships

I don't care how much you know, until I know how much you care!


Are you a Good Samaritan?


What are the needs you see?    

Who are the people you touch?    

What difference are you making?    

Where is the Holy Spirit leading you now?