Are There No "Normal" People!

I get a frightening amount of spiritual fodder from comic strips. I suppose because in their use of humor they reveal the reality of the human condition and try to show us the silliness of most of what we do.

Pearls Before Swines

The inspiration for the comic strip title comes from the cynical character Rat who believes he is smarter than everyone else. So he gets frustrated when he casts his "pearls" of wisdom before the not so smart character Pig. A recent strip featured Rat correcting the noble and thoughtful character Goat. Goat notes that "he likes a particular politician and he seems like a normal guy". Rat quickly corrects him and notes that there are no normal people. He tells his friend to read his "Rat Maxim No. 9" which states:

There are only two kinds of people. Abnormal people and people you don't yet know well enough.

I laughed and thought of a quote I read recently.

"There are no together people. Just people with whiter teeth."

The point is that we all tend to put up "appearances" that make us look better to a watching world. But we really don't have it together but we love to fake it. Sadly, there are few places that this performance is truer than in the church. No one has their act together. All of us need to trust God to reflect our silliness back to us, take a good belly laugh at ourselves, and then help one another change. Without change you simply live as a fool.

We need to drop the masks and let trusted friends know that we need them. There is no shame in needing community to get through this journey. We all do. We are all abnormal (sinners) and none of us have it together in our own power.

Jesus excoriated the "religious" hypocrites who were all about appearance and self-efforting righteousness.

"What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and self-indulgence! You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too."  (Matthew 23, NLT)

The anger of Christ was not that the inside was filthy but that they refused to acknowledge that truth while putting on a self-righteous display of piety. Here is what I am figuring out. I can't clean the inside alone. I need to trust others to help me shine light in dark areas.

For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.  (Ephesians 5, NLT)

I need to allow the Holy Spirit into every room. I need a community to encourage and walk with me. I need other believers in my life.

So here is my reality. I am abnormal. I don't have it together. I am prone to go into hiding and isolation. But I have Jesus. I have some really good friends who love me in spite of all of the junk that is true about me. And I have never been more alive and free as I live out my journey in grace.

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