Stephen Covey once said "We see the world not as it is, but as we are."

How we see the world, how we believe it works and our place in it affects our relationships, our happiness and our Joy.

So obviously the question for today is: How do you see God?


How do you see God?


God looks down from heaven on all that I do and say in order to punish the wicked and rewards the saints. My purpose in life is to meet His standards. For the most part we're looking for the minimum necessary to pass and avoid punishment. Once we're in the Book of Life though we have little else to worry about and don't concern ourselves with religion much after that. Our response to God is marked either by fear, guilt, and shame or by arrogance, pride and hypocrisy depending on which side of the line you believe you are.

Santa Claus

God knows who's naughty and nice but really gives generously no matter what. Being a Christian is about abundant (contented) living, sowing a seed of prosperity and reaping in the benefits of being Christian. God wants you to prosper and will bless you, usually financially, if you ask for it. Since no one ever gives a gift to Santa Clause, the concepts of serving and giving have no meaning here. Our response to God is marked indifference, apathy, and self-absorption.


God is in the Heavens surrounded by Angels and beyond my reach. Little of what I do or say make much difference in the scheme of things. Our response to God is marked respect, duty, and fatalism.

Abba, Father

God is love. God created me because He desired to know and love me as part of His family. When I do things that hurt my brothers and sisters God does not reject me, but also doesn't approve them either. Like a good father, God guides, corrects, and praised my meager attempts to please Him as I respond to His leading. Should I reject him by my actions and attitudes, the Father honors those wishes and leaves me alone. The Father will never compromise His holiness or His desire for us to know and love Him more. Our response to God is marked love, service, giving, joy and gratitude.

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