Isn't technology wonderful? It allows us to do so much more than we could ever have dream of before. We can touch so many more lives than we ever could before, some we will never meet and some may even live on the other side of the globe. But like every change that has come before, some are eager to embrace this new opportunity and the see the future as a grand adventure into the unknown. Some will fear it, and rightly so, because like Pandora's box, technology brings with it all kinds of potential evil that we may be totally unprepared for. One need only consider the recent problems with sexual predators on MySpace to appreciate the magnitude of the problem. But let's be honest with ourselves about the Jekylle and Hyde power and lure of technology. Sure we can stay connected over longer distances, we can share ideas in a new format, and we can dream together in amazing liberating ways. But technology also isolates, it puts us in front of a computer screen instead of face-to-face with real people, with real hurts, with warmth and caring in their voice.  We've put up an electronic border around our lives. Nevertheless, I'm intrigued by the possibilities and the potential to engage the Christian Community. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The door is open and I'm going to step through it and make some good happen, I hope. Therefore, I've decided to try something new, blogging. In case you ever wondered, I enjoy technology, but I'm also wary of its abuse, and believe me the abuses of the internet are legendary. The intent of these messages is to allow all of us to share what's on our hearts and grow together. I realize that many people, including me, have questions about life, faith, relationship, work, love, purpose, focus, money, etc. that are better shared together. I hope you will share you questions, your answers, and your dreams with us in the weeks to come and make the use of this  new technology a place of "Extravagant Grace."

Pastor Steve

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