Posts tagged with ‘Epiphany’

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A God of Questions

by Steve

Guest Pastor, Rev. Meredith Grudger-Raines shared a message of hope everyone should hear. Enjoy. Sermon Audio:Meredith Grudger Raines 1.5.14E Meredith Grudger Raines 1.5.14L Related posts: 3 Most Important Spiritual Questions Just how far? Is Evangelism Important? 7 Questions Every Church Must Answer

Transfiguration: Confronting the Mountain of Expectations

by Steve

Most of our lives are governed by our expectations of what we looking for. If we expect to succeed, we’re optimistic, positive and hardworking, if we expect to fail we don’t. But what about our expectations of others or of God. Think about the expectations people had of Jesus prior to the Transfiguration as recorded […]

What to do when faced with a Generosity Encounter

by Steve

Have you ever been walking down the street when you came upon someone in need, either asking you directly for help (financially or perhaps a hitchhiker) or someone caught in a mishap that looks like it is going to ruin their day (flat tire, shopping cart overturned, etc.)? What do you do? What should you do? […]

Creating a Culture of Contagious Generosity

by Steve

      If life isn’t about money, then why does it cause so many problems. A recent survey the Barna Research Group found that 54% of Non-Christians and 51% of Christians believe the MONEY is the main symbol for determining a successful life. In Paul’s letter to pastor Timothy, he speaks about the temptation, the […]

The Epiphany of Giving

by Steve

Natural wisdom says, “I’ll give when all my needs are met.” “I can’t afford to give” or “I’ll give when I’ve got some surplus.” God’s wisdom says, “Give now, even in your time of need, and watch me work!” The Bible teaches that when we give in faith (trusting totally in God) even when we […]

My Epiphany

by Steve

The story of the Magi travelling to Bethlehem has value for us today for several reasons. (1) it reminds us that the birth of Jesus is for Jew and Gentile, slave and free, male and female. The Magi represent the inclusion of the whole world. (2) To those who seek find, to those who knock […]

So What? Now What?

by Steve

“Herod was disturbed, and all of Jerusalem with him.”  Matthew 2:1-12 When we stop to consider all the activities of Christmas we are left with two questions: “So What? Now What?” When Herod encounter the Magi, he was disturbed by their presence, their questions and their conviction to travel so far. The problem was that […]