StewardshipTitleBASE   The value of any belief, virtue or goal in life is directly proportional to the amount you are willing to risk to achieve it, the obstacles you will face to make it come true and the time that must sacrificed to grow into it. In a world of quick fixes and sound bits, values and virtues are on the way out as popularity and pride take their place. It is not that Christianity has been tried and found to be false, it has instead been found to be difficult and therefore left untried by all but the most courageous. When we talk about money, we all want more, just like when talking to children about candy. Money eats away at our soul, poisoning marriages, dividing families and turning vocations into an endless competition for diminishing rewards. This Sunday we'll talk about what it means to be an ECONOMIC CHRISTIAN and then decide whether the challenge is more than you're ready for or whether you were looking for a challenge to make life wonderful. Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 10.26.14 Economic Christian Sermon Slides: Stewardship A Test of Trust 10.26.14 Podcast Audio: Am I an Economic Christian 10.26.14L                     Am I an Economic Christian 10.26.14E
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