Well I’ve been off the grid for the last several days. We’ve been out of cell service and definitely out of internet service. I didn’t write Monday evening because for some reason power is very sketchy during the evening and there is nothing more frustrating that writing a post and watch it disappear with a power glitch. For those of you following this little mission adventure I hope you continue to pray for us. Tuesday and Wednesday we travelled to Dos Bois Rouge which was far FAR more of a struggle than I had originally anticipated. I should have thought that one out better. I do not have time to explain all that happened in writing, nor do I want to tell tales others would rather not have told or tell better themselves. Let me leave it at saying that we survived and had a spiritually renewing experience all that the same time. I will also give GOD all the praise, for help arrived unexpectedly just when we needed even though we never anticipated that we would. GOD was watching, and probably having a bit of chuckle that our human frailty. But I’m getting ahead of myself. The pictures are a compilation of our adventure but let me give you some idea of what transpired. On Monday we decided to do some painting of the upper level and finished the entire hall and one of the bedrooms. That completes the second floor except for Bato and Gina’s room. Getting the supplies of paint and roller was an ordeal that took almost 7 hour to accomplish. We painted for 4 hour and used all five gallons. Sleeping has been challenging with the rain and the mosquitoes but I am more than a little humbled by the grace with which Kandi, Heather and Gary are embracing and dealing with the challenges of weather and critters. The food is almost always rice and beans and I’ve learned, although I should have asked earlier, but Gary doesn’t really like rice! Really? I went to the store the other day and bought a bottle of hot sauce to give the rice and beans a bit of a Kick! It has helped tremendously. Tuesday we were up by 4:56 am, precisely according to Barb, and on the Tap-Tap at 5:20 am which Pastor Drix provided. We made several stops for ice (I’m not sure why) and in LasCahobas to buy a dress for the ladies. We arrived at DBR at around 9:00 and started up what is perhaps the most dangerous part of this trip. The DBR is beyond description and I will let the pictures tell the story. We had some very close calls! We arrived at Pastor Drix’s church and school around 12:30 and passed out! During our time there we saw the school Drix is building, handed out candy and bibles, Kandi provided first aid to several children who came with unknown open sores and infections. We were not prepared to deal with anything complicated but the parents were desperate so Kandi did what she could with what we had. Everyone pitched in and I thank God for Barb, Drix, Tatu and the spiritual mentors who have helped us through this ordeal. Wednesday we traveled through the back woods of DBR handing out bibles, praying and proclaiming the name of Jesus to bring hope, the promise of God’s blessing to those who would receive it, pray for the dying and inviting everyone into a community of love and faith. We ate a big lunch of, you guessed it, rice and beans and vegetables. Drix saw me used the hot sauce here in Port-au-Prince and had a bottle ready for me on the Mountain! What a guy! The journey down the mountain was faster but still kicked our butts by the end of the trip. We were ready to leave when (1) the battery on the truck wouldn’t work and (2) Drix got the truck stuck in a ditch when we tried to push it out of the yard it was parked in. I tried to call AAA but to no avail (just kidding)! By sheer human determination we lifted the truck out of the ditch and started it by rolling it down the hill. We were going home at last! Arrived at home around 8:30 pm and simply passed out on our bed. We had great visions of getting a bath, clean and comfy, but no one had the strength. Refreshed with water, we said good night and dealt with the roosters crowing, the mosquitoes biting, the dogs barking and crazy people singing, the motorcycles revving, and the grace of God giving us rest and health and fellowship in the midst of it all. I’ve left out more than I’ve told, but its really much better to hear it all in person anyway. We are all healthy, relatively unscathed and ready for a day at the ocean today (I think)! Please continue to pray for us, they have helped us all in ways we can express nor can we anticipate. As always, we thank our supporters who believe that we are making an impact spiritually, emotionally and through our shared commitment to Jesus Christ. Thank you all. [Not a valid template]
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