Posts tagged with ‘Jeremiah’

3 Items

The Art of Becoming

by Steve

be·com·ing /biˈkəmiNG/  [Noun]  The process of coming to be something or of passing into a state. To grow to be, to turn into. A human spirit is, in a real sense, not a finished product; rather it is a lifelong endeavor of becoming. Each day, through the choices we make, the words we say, and the […]

The Voice of the Prophet

by Steve

This week’s reading is from Jeremiah 3:11-22. It is the story of God, speaking through Jeremiah, pleading for the people to return to Him. As I read this passage as part of this week’s Lectio Divina, I was caught most not by the words of God, but by the voice of Jeremiah. Who is Jeremiah […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 2

by Steve

Lectio Divina This morning’s mediation is from Jeremiah 31:16-25 The weeping prophet speaks of hope and of a Father that does not forget his children. The Father has spoken of the pending disaster that comes to those who reject Him and speaks of the folly of youth. I certainly have been guilty of my share […]