Kingdom Focused

15 Items

I have a Vision of a Generous Church

by Steve

I have a vision of a Generous Church… gen·er·ous 1. Liberal in giving or sharing.  2. Characterized by nobility 3. Marked by abundance; ample 2. free from pettiness in character and thought, 3. full or plentiful    Generous in their praise of God and care of others. Generous with their resources to fulfill a mission that is challenging, inspiring, and […]

Getting Back on Track

by Steve

   We’re all sojourners, refugees in a foreign land and to some extent, nomads. We cannot stay here on Earth forever, our destination lies beyond to a place we’ve never been before, or can’t remember if we did. We wander through life trying to find our way, hearing music that sounds familiar but we can’t quite place. We’re like […]

The Gospel Journey part 2

by Steve

   There was an interesting experiment done in the 1920 that examined our inability to walk in a straight line while blindfolded. It seems that we all are curiously unable to walk in a straight line without some sort of external reference to know when we’re off course. As a result, we continue to walk […]

The Gospel Journey part 1

by Steve

     I had a conversation this week about the purpose of the church, it’s mission and even about its ability to help us make sense of our lives in the  confusing, chaotic world in which we live. It seems that we’re all a bit confused, perhaps even conflicted, by the relevance of our faith […]

Called to be a Healing Community

by Steve

The story of Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2:1-14 is more than just another example of Jesus’ power of healing and restoration, it is also the dedication and compassion of a group that brought this paralytic to Jesus. It is not enough to know the truth if you never do anything with it. It […]

3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer

by Steve

I had to take my car into the garage last week for a tune-up. It was running very rough and wouldn’t even idle when in gear, which meant I had to put it in neutral every time I came to a stoplight or traffic slowed down. What a pain! I think it was actually misfiring […]

So What? Now What?

by Steve

“Herod was disturbed, and all of Jerusalem with him.”  Matthew 2:1-12 When we stop to consider all the activities of Christmas we are left with two questions: “So What? Now What?” When Herod encounter the Magi, he was disturbed by their presence, their questions and their conviction to travel so far. The problem was that […]

A Year for Reconciliation

by Steve

What is our task in this world as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus? Our task is reconciliation.  Wherever we go we see divisions among people – in families, communities, cities, countries, and continents.  All these divisions are tragic reflections of our separation from God.  The truth that all people belong together […]

The WHY of Christmas

by Steve

“At that time Jesus said, I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” Matthew 11:25-26 When we get past all the frenzy of the Christmas experience, what’s left with the nagging […]

Shaped by God

by Steve

 To what extent are we a Christian community? According to William Willimon, Bishop of the Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church, We are Christian to the extent that we conform to and are confronted by the Word of God. In Romans 12, Paul advises his readers not to be conformed to the pattern of […]

Making Disciples: Time to Grow Up!

by Steve

God wants you to grow up. “God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love – like Christ in everything.” Eph. 4:15a (Msg) “We are not meant to remain as children…” Eph 4:14a (Ph) Your heavenly Father’s goal is for you is to mature and develop the characteristics […]

Making Disciples Part 2

by Steve

What we are most committed to both as people and as the church define who we are and what we will become. As we look to the future we must come to terms with what kind of church are we now and what kind of church we want to be. When I think about FUMC, […]

Making Disciples Part 1

by Steve

 What exactly does that mean? Is it just another slogan “filled with sound and fury, signifying nothing” [Macbeth]? Well I certainly hope not, but I do think it probably needs some further discussion. I believe we all have a purpose in life, something that God is calling us be, and the church is no different. […]

Children’s Ministry

by Steve

“…and Jesus grew in Wisdom, Stature and Favor with God and Man.” Luke 2:52 We want every child to grow up to learn the value of … Wisdom – “I need to make wise choices.” So I will… Trust and follow God’s design Spend time getting to know God Do whatever God says Discover God’s […]

Kingdom Focused: Link in Community

by Steve

This is a copy of an invitation sent out to people who have visited our church in the last 9 months but who for reasons unknown have drifted away. It is a simple way to invite a dialog if they so choose. During summer most people like to slow down and relax a bit. Me, […]