
5 Items

A Moment of Decision

by Steve

In everyone’s life there comes a time when the vows we’ve made, the promises we gave, and the lives we live are either in harmony, growing and focused or it is revealed to be a shame, a lie, and hypocrisy of life. The results of which can be disastrous. Jesus was having dinner with a group of […]

The Art of Making Disciples

by Steve

Chips, Chisels and Choices One day the great Michelangelo attracted a crowd of spectators as he began to work. One child in particular was fascinated by the sight of flying chips and the ringing sound of the mallet as it struck the chisel. The master was focusing his attention on a large block of white […]

Vital Signs: Heart Check-up

by Steve

Generosity is a matter of Action, Intention and Heart. It is reorienting my perspective on what life is means and what God is doing through my life. Generosity is natural response to God’s Love in Christ.  Scripture Verse: Mark 10:17-23 Download our 2011 FUMC Stewardship Pledge Form Sermon Notes   “Satisfying Our Hunger for God” Lord, How […]

Blinded by Greed

by Steve

A great deal of our culture and lifestyle is driven by Greed. Greed in our world is a very strong desire and is changes who we are! And you know what? It’s always been like that, since the beginning of time. Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus was teaching to a crowd of people who were following […]

Stewardship: A Way of Life

by Steve

God, What do you want to do through me this year with the life and gifts you’ve given me? Stewardship as a way of life has amazing implications for our relationships and our daily lives. It expands the horizons of our world and provides direction and focus to our busy lives. When we commit ourselves to […]