The Lost Sheep, Luke 15

The Lost Sheep, Luke 15

Have you ever felt lost? I don't just mean confused, disappointed, or frustrated, I mean desperately searching for a way when you've lost your way. Your heart is racing, there are sleepless nights and you feel you've reached a dead end. This way of existing, of course, leads to more stress, which leads to more searching, and so on and so on. Is there anything we can do or is there something we should stop doing? Perhaps if we properly understood our situation, perhaps we could find the answers. So here are a few tips to help frame the problem you're experiencing based on Jesus' parable of the lost sheep found in Luke 15. First, being lost is a natural human condition that happens to everyone at some point and often regularly to those who are growing and experiencing life. You're not being punished, abandoned or rejected. You're not a failure, stupid or hopeless. You're alive. Second, help is on the way. God does not abandon us, but is right now calling you. If you think you can do it all on your own with no help from anyone, good luck. This is typically how we got lost in the first place! If you want to find meaning and a reason for being, you'll need help from someone. So you can either embrace the feelings of being lost and get use to it, or you can listen for the Voice calling to you. You can't move on to step three until you decide this one. Three, trust and obey the Voice. There are certain things in life that lie outside our own personal experience. There are dangers in life we don't see coming, or choose to ignore. The Parable of the Lost Sheep Sermon Notes 06.01.14 Parable of Lost Sheep
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