go.matt 28.19"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” Mahatma Gandhi I personally thought that was a pretty impressive quote to start this trip. I  consider you, the reader as an integral part of our 'small body of determined spirits..." We would certainly not be where we are if you were not where you are doing what you are doing. So the first question worth addressing is how are things on the ground, really! At the close IMG_2937of the first day I must say I'm quite impressed. Travel went very well and thank to the help of Matt Young and Joe Webb (along with a surprise visit from Teresa and Jeff Martin at 1:30 am) we arrived in Columbus at approximately 3:45 am for a 6 am flight. But the gate didn't open until 4:30 so needless to say we were at the head of the line. I am extremely happy to say that our bags cost only an additional $60 for the overage charges due to a very helpful ticket agent! And boy were we ever over our charges! IMG_2938[1]We met Barb in PAP and Pastor Luc in the airport for an eye opening drive to the orphanage in Bon Repose. We are once again sleeping on the roof with only a sheet. It was very windy last night but a great way to start the trip. IMG_3032Today we played a lot, connected with the boys and prayed with you at Noon! We remember you on this trip and Thank God for your support, encouragement and prayers. We prayed for you, for our church, for those who served the Hot Dogs for Haiti Lunch, for those who work at the Yard Sale, for those who prayed for us last Sunday. Thank You Church Family! IMG_2942 Here's what we've seen today. The pictures of the prayer partners from last year are still on the wall, right where we left them. The boys know you by name and can pick out their card with their name on it and a picture of a friend praying for them. IMG_3039Yes, believe it or not, Abbie and Erin decided to try teaching the boys Twister, the American classic which represents the best of our culture. How do you think they are doing? We are currently trying to buy cell phones for everyone on the team, so in case of emergency, we can communicate with others. This is turning out to be more of a challenge than we expected. Bato and the girls spent about 2 hr driving around PAP and didn't find anything. We will try again. IMG_2988We did bring pictures of our church family and the youth which were a big hit. I'm stunned with how well they know your names and faces. They know you much better than I thought! We handed out some soccer balls and some candy and made a trip to Pastor Luc's church and handed out toys and candy to the boys and girls there. Thanks to Pam and Jeff Middleton, and Sandy and Dave Mahaney for preparing a packet for the girls! (below) IMG_3009Everyone is getting adjusted, trying to remember all their names, learning and relearning Creole, enjoying (?) the food, and dealing with the heat and drinking lots of water. Tomorrow, sometime, we're going to travel to a church in a place called 'John Charles" for Church on Sunday. I've never been there so I don't know much about it. We plan to travel to Dos Boir Rouge on Monday.
Myken & Kervinson

Myken & Kervinson

Well, that' about it. Time to go. Everyone is getting along great and letting God do His thing in them and through them. Because our travel plans are sketchy, we intend to call the Sunday School class at joshua logo with border310:15 am EST assuming we have phone service and fill you in. We are currently trying to make contact with Denise and set up a meeting for next week. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.      
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