Leading Causes of Life

Leading Causes of Life

Life is present in every community; and the challenge life presents to us is to find it, grab hold of it and run with it because life is moving on. We have a choice, of course. Life or Death. God says, “I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse.  Choose life, then, so that you and your descendants may live” (Deut. 30:19) The language of death is easy to speak, but they call us to make a different choice and find a new language. They remind us the more we speak of death the more we forget about life and that ask “Why not look for the causes of life?” Indeed, why not? Relationships are at the center of our being. People will endure the most abusive relationships to avoid the pain of loneliness and isolation. The worst criminals in our society with uncontrollable behavior problems we put in solitary isolation as the most severe form of behavior modification and punishment.  Instead of running away from the Causes of Death, perhaps we would do better to run toward the Leading Causes of Life. What are they?  For the next several weeks we'll be digging into creating life as God has offered it. Becoming more intentional about the choices we make and the consequences of the life we've been given. “My wish has always been to write my own story, to create a life that’s worth writing about. But is a story worth anything at all if I have no one to tell it to?”― Charlotte Eriksson Sermon Audio: Leading Causes of Life Connections 9.9.13E  Leading Causes of Life Connections 9.9.13L Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 09.08.13 Leading Causes of Life Sermon Slides: Worship 09.08.13 Leading Causes of Life 1
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