discipline-of-prayer-theA Summer Prayer for Grace

 God of gentle rains and warm sun, God who created me for growth, beauty and wisdom; too often I get stuck, grow impatient or fail to embrace the gifts you have given me. God of freedom, of liberation, of binding ropes being cut; too often I fail to see the habits, rituals and routines that dominate my life as self-imposed slavery and resist changes and growth that would bring new life in abundance. Help me to set aside fear, frustration and past failures to embrace the promise. God of exodus and exile and homecoming, God who calls us to leave where we are and come home; too often I prefer the easy, the fast and the comfortable and shun the discipline, the challenging and the adventure You desire for me. Grant me greater courage to make the journey and to trust the path. God of health and healing, God who wants me to be made whole, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually; too often I fail to accept my brokenness, my need and my hunger and thirst for forgiveness and fellowship with you and others. God who has laid out a way for me to live, who has given me rules for living in community; too often I see people as annoyances and not gifts, as obstacles rather than treasures and as competitors rather than contributors. Open my eyes, heal my blindness and give me hands to serve today where they may be needed. God of Grace, I come in prayer through Your gift of grace, asking for more grace that I may share my life and live abundantly with You and others. And so today I praise you for the growth I have received already, I rejoice in being set free, for the past I have been given to follow.  I will give thanks for the healing I will receive today, I will rejoice in the knowledge that I am forgiven and invited to as a child of Grace. Amen.  
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