Bread of LifeThe Swiss psychologist Carl Jung once said that "the primary neurosis of people is emptiness." There is within all of us an insatiable desire for something worthy of our lives, something to fill the void we feel but somehow cannot quite describe or discuss in polite company. It is a hallow feeling, a yearning to pursue and achieve something elusive. Maybe it will be money, success and comfort, but who knows.  If this doesn't describe you, stop reading now and move on. If it does, if you're hungry enough and fed up enough with cheap solutions, then please read on.  The metaphor of food has been used to describe our spiritual hunger and God's response. We know there are four basic food groups, but we're immersed in a fast-food culture the provides few of them. A recent cartoon described our appetites as a life that is "fast, easy and cheap." In a recent movie on the effect of fast foods on our national health Super Size Me, a guy lived for about a month on McDonald's food and watched his cholesterol and weight skyrocket. Poor health, lack of energy and depression became the norm with a steady diet of cheap, quick and easy. I believe it is the same when we feel our spirit quick, cheap and easy solutions to life's meaning and purpose. What are you feeding your soul? What is your Summum Bonum? What is the most noble, honorable and highest good worth spending your life to achieve? Looking back on your life in 10 years, what will you remember, what will others remember, and what will God remember? In John 6 Jesus says there is something worth feasting on that give the kind of fulfillment and satisfaction for this life and the life to come. It is the Bread of Life, the Word of God and the Life of Christ. Jesus is described as the Bread of Life because every human being is hungry for meaning and purpose.
"Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted for having someone to call their own." Mother Teresa
Jesus sets a feast and invites us to join him. Jesus doesn't offer easy solutions but a total life change. If you're hungry for the reason for being, if your sick of the steady diet of reality TV culture, or if you're just ready to sink your teeth into something more, the Bread of Life will satisfy in ways you cannot yet fully imagine. Sermon Audio: Bread of Life 7.28.13E      Bread of Life 7.28.13L Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 07.28.13 Bread of Life
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