We’re back, safe and sound at the orphanage at Port-au-Prince. We’ve travelled long and saw many things and experienced even more. We left Da Bois Rouge this afternoon at 2:20 pm and arrived here at 8:20pm. It’s been a long day. We left the mountains but we’re still talking about the trip we plan to make to the mountains next year. In our church in America we are comfortable with a hour worship service but people start to get antsy and the complaining starts when it goes much over that. Today we worshiped for 4 hours, from 8 am to noon and though that sounds outrageous I know with out a doubt not one of us would change that experience for anything. One team member commented they would talk the mountain every day to experience worship like that. We prayed, wept, sang, were anointed with oil, sang some more and experienced the Holiness of God. I will not speak of it again, however, because words will only cheapen and deaden what has been for us a “transfiguration” moment. The day started at 5:30 am on Saturday rolling out of bed, breakfast sandwich and getting in a mini-van without a side door. As most things seem to happen here, we broke down into our trip when the engine overheated up the mountain at Calibri (Goat Mountain). We finally got water and arrived in a small village to meet some old friends and for Esther and Erin to hand out candy and balloon, then on to Lacahobas, the last town before we reached the base of the DBR mountain. By the time we got to the bottom of the mountain it was already 1pm and every hot. We were introduced to "Je' geddion" (God gives) which is the donkey purchased by FUMC to support Pastor Drix in his ministry. We went slowly, drank, lots of water and were amazed at how well the Haitians managed this mountain regularly. There are tons of pictures of the team and the terrain which time and space don’t allow me to share at the present time. When we arrived at the DRB Mission, Pastor Drix introduced us to his lovely wife, TaTu. We sat down to a meal of beans and rice which after the long journey was the best we ever tasted. WE visited with the people, Esther, Erin, Tony, Matt and Steve play some soccer the children there and the we took another side trip to see a water purification construction underway. Sleeping arrangements were an adventure in themselves. We brought thermal blankets which most people used and although somewhat effective, they have the negative side effect of having everyone making crinkling noises all night at the slightest move. I think the Haitians think we’re insane and I suppose they’re right. Tony made a dear friend Ramon, which is a story in itself and one best he tell you. Believe me it has twists and turns you won’t believe! We arose at 6 am today and cleaned the floor of the church, which is where we slept on mats created from old banana trees. We got dressed in our Sunday go-to-church clothes

Pastor Drix and his wife TaTu

and got ready for “church”. I’m not sure any of us were prepared for what we got. We handed out the dresses that were given to us, took pictures of the children receiving them and some candy, ate a delicious

This scene always reminds of the first century missionary journey of Paul

lunch of boiled goat meat, and started down the mountain at 2:20. This is an amazingly short synopsis of our journey thus far. Suffice it to say we’re safe, changed and excited about next year. I know a lot can happen in a year and promises made right after a major even often fade, but I’m

Coming up to the DBR Mission Church

proud of this team and their excitement to include you, the reader, in our next trip. I hope you will take a moment to respond to this summary with a word or two of encouragement to the team and a quick

an old friend from last year

prayer for the spiritual formation. Thank and as I’ve learned in Creole. Bon Je Benni u (God Bless you) Jese reme’ u (Jesus Loves you) Jese’ reme’ mwe (Jesus Love me)

Esther, Erin, Tony and Matt kick the ball around at DBR

Mwe reme’ u  (I love you)

Time to say good-bye to DBR and take the long journey back to Port-au-Prince.


Saying good-bye to some good friends.


Fantastic Lunch! Thanks!


Handing out dress, candy and balloons. Children all dressing in their school uniforms after church.


Sleeping on the dirt floor at DBR


Tony & Ramon

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