What is FAITH?

Simple Definitions Quiz

Match the words Faith, Hope, & Trust to their corresponding definition.  (1) Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all people gather and only one boy came with an umbrella -- That’s called _______ (2) Example of feeling of a one year old baby. When you throw him in the air, he laughs because he know you will catch him. That’s called _______ (3) Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to wake up alive the next morning, but we still set the alarm for tomorrow. – That’s called ______ (go to the end for answers) The harsh reality of life is that our faith can be severely tested. If what we have is not real FAITH but a cheap imitation, it will collapse and life with it. Real faith will give us strength not just to survive, but to thrive in the face of hardships, uncertainty and disappointments.  Jesus spent 3 years trying to overcome a false religious mindset in his disciples and create a faith that would last, thrive and survive the harshest persecution. Jesus develop True Faith in his disciples by teaching them to...

Know what He Knew

Do what He Did

Share what He Shared

In this week's message, we'll share how we too can possess REAL FAITH! Sermon Slides  Worship 11.25.12 Faith Survivors Sermon Notes  Sermon Notes 11.25.12 Faith Survivors Sermon Audio  Faith Survivors 11.12.12E Ans.: faith- trust - hope
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