"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." Marshal Foch

Have you ever felt like you're stuck, trapped or so far in a rut you don’t know the path you’re on? Some times you wonder whether there even is a path and in moments of desperation give up believing life is more than a random series of event strung together without meaning or significance. If you feel you've come to the end of your rope, then you’re gonna love the story of Peter's life. Peter found a "fire in his belly" that shaped and defined the rest of his life.  When you have fire in your belly, you are ready to fight with energy, determination and perseverance for what you believe is right. Here’s a guy who was born and raised a fisherman. Spending his nights on the water, and days tending his nets. It was a quiet solitary life with few frills and with a certain amount of predictability. How people learn (1) I like to test the waters, I grow comfortable with less than totally committed. My motto is "nothing ventured nothing lost!" (2) I need some confidence from others to help me overcome hurdles. I grow through relationship and trust. "My motto is a mind is a terrible thing to waste." (3) I like to jump right in. I may not have all the information, but I have enough to know that I want to grow and this is another step along the path. My motto is "Go for it!" Peter's life was transformed at Pentecost and so can yours! Memorial Day Prayer: Memorial Day Prayer Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 05.27.12 Fire in the Belly Pentecost Sermon Slides: Worship 05.27.12 A Fire in the Belly - pdf Worship 05.27.12 A Fire in the Belly - PowerPoint Sermon Audio: Fire in the Belly 5.27.12L
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