Are you looking forward to heaven and what God has planned or is it all simply wishful thinking? Does Heaven fill you heart with wonder, excitement and enthusiasm or fear and loathing? In the midst of pain, trials and difficulties, why should we be talking about Heavent? When Jesus knew he was facing the cross and that his disciples would be challenged to their very core, he reminded them of what was at the end of the rainbow. Heaven was not just a philosophical crutch, but a reality beyond all realities where what we enjoy here is but a shadow of what we will experience there. Jesus Shared heaven to encourage and inspire our faith in the midst of tribulation. “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!”  ― C.S. LewisThe Last Battle
  1. How would you describe Heaven? Is it something you're looking forward to or hoping to avoid until the last moment?
  2. How does our understanding of Heaven affect our commitment to Christian discipleship?
  3. When did you encounter heaven today?
Join the Discussion of Heaven for today! Heaven Series: Heaven 1 Worship Sermon Notes:  Sermon Notes 03.04.12 Heaven II Worship Slides: Worship 03.04.12 Heaven2 Announcements: Announcement Slides 3.4.12 Early Service:      Late Service       
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