We talk about leadership a lot these days in churches but few know or really even want leadership. For many leadership simply means having someone affirm that what they were already doing was the right thing. Leadership requires the introduction of change, with change come conflict with the past and the decision to move in a new, as yet unexplored direction. Making the choice to set off in a new direction, the Unknown Country, is something few people are willing to do. Radical Leaders were also called "Prophets" in Biblical language. They sounded the alarm that change was coming whether we liked it or not and then showed the way to get back on course. Of course few prophets asked for the job and few people envied them for having it.

Today when we talk about leadership we often mean the gentle art of persuasion where a charismatic personality can attract thousands to his/her cause and get them moving in a direction. Perhaps then we should begin by talking about "good" leadership, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, or Nelson Mandela, and very "bad" leadership like Jim Jones, Adolf Hitler, or

Perhaps the most distinctive difference between these leaders is the attitude they have toward the people they influence. Good Leaders lead by example. They live the change they want to see in the world and whether the world beats a path to their door or not will not change the way they live their life. In fact, I suspect few wanted to be considered leader in the first place. They were called to live a certain way and they did. People were attracted to their authenticity and the way their life added value to others. Some call it servant leadership. Lead by Example.

The bad leaders lead by intimidation, authority, and fear of negative consequences. These leaders are really herder moving people where they need to be by forceful persuasion, guilt for past hurts, or empty promises of a better life of healing and wholeness knowing the place of vulnerability of people and praying on their weaknesses. These leaders take from people what is empty in them. You will rarely see these leaders serving other or living out the life they demand of others. They live in palaces and extract from others wealth necessary to live their extravagant lifestyle. Their motto is "lead by intimidation". Whether that's by promises heaven for those afraid to live here and now or protection from Hell for those already know they deserve it, these leaders pick the bones of their prey and then move on when the crowd dies down or there is better pickings elsewhere.

I am certainly not a perfect leader, don't want to be, and most of the time don't know how. I know that I am called, however, to live a better ordered life according to the example set by Christ. I hope and pray that in some small way, my life can give light to the world and that in the process, I will have been able to lead one person to a better life than they might otherwise have achieved if I had not lived.


Are you a leader? How do you know?

Are you a good one? How do you know?



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